Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Busy Week already! :)

Sunday was a busy morning, at least, for me. I taught Sunday School for the middle school group, then I had children's church. Both went well. I just love those groups. They just make my week! :)

On Monday, we had a speech evaluation for M. It confirmed what we thought....he is speech delayed. We hope with some more therapy and extra help at home, we can get him "caught" up.

The boys and I spent the night with my family. I went to a revival service at a church where a college friend of mine is serving as music director. It was so wonderful to see him and his wife again. They are such a precious couple. God is truly using them in so many ways. They are very special to our family. In all the years I have known him (and her), they both have been so supportive of us and kept us in their prayers.

I sang in the service. I was pretty nervous because of the fact that I have not sang in public in probably 3 years. I was reminded that it is not a is worshipping God. When I approached it in worship, God did the rest. It was wonderful to worship with other believers and receive another Word from God through such godly men who preached last night.

We came home and tried to get back into routine....yeah right! haha!

Tomorrow, I will tackle the pool again. We have a back to school swimming party at our house Saturday. And it has rained and rained for the past five days! I wanted rain, but this is crazy! haha! I won't complain, though. There are still a few days to prepare for everyone to come. I remind myself that the kids are not too concern with how perfect our house is.....they just have fun here. That is what my husband and I wanted when we were praying about what house to buy.

We wanted this house to become a place of ministry and fellowship. I pray our "place" in Asia will be the same! :)

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