Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Stepping out on the Water and Climbing new Heights

My children are daredevils in different ways. JC jumps in the pool with no worries.....and Micah climbs everything! Micah has not gotten the courage to jump too much in the pool or slide down the slide into the water.

See, I think my oldest, JC is a lot like Peter. He has no fear, most of the time. (He truly lives out his name....Joshua...not afraid when he went to "check out" the promised land.)

But he is also like Peter......he jumps before he thinks. Maybe that is why he had to wear a boot most of the summer?

See, I kind of like Peter, even though he gets a bad rap most of the time. I mean, that whole denying Jesus really put a damper on his reputation. But Jesus knew he had what it would take to begin the Church!

He saw it in Peter when He was walking on the water. Peter did not sit and make a list of pros and cons before walking out on the water to Jesus. He just walked out. Yes, he took his eyes off of Jesus. However, no one ever talks about the other disciples sitting in the boat thinking this was an impossible feat.

I want to walk out on the water, even if I sink a few seconds later. Can't you just hear Peter later on? "Well, I'm the only one who has walked on water!".

So, step out on the not fear. He is with you!

I'm not sure who Micah, my youngest, reminds me of yet. He is sort of like Moses.....climbs..(remember, he climbed a mountain to hear from God).....and he is taking speech therapy. (Remember Moses' best excuse? "I don't talk right" southern translation.)

See what I mean about climbing?!

But we named him Micah. Our pastor used scripture from Micah just a few weeks after we decided what to name him. He still refers to Micah as his "minor prophet".

Here is the scripture most of us recognize from the book of Micah:
He has shown you, O man, what is good;
      And what does the LORD require of you
      But to do justly,
      To love mercy,
      And to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8

Micah is one that just gets to the point. He climbs cabinets at our house to get what he wants. He goes in the fridge to get me the milk he likes best. He pulls my arm and leads my to the bed when he is sleepy.

And he is very gentle, loving and sweet.....even at the "terrible two's" stage.

He walks (and often climbs) humbly with God. :)

So, who do you want to be like today? I think I want to be like the best example we have in the Word of God....and that is Jesus!

Let him use the good and the bad of your personality for His Glory!

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