Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Mike Post - Music

Give Me That Old Time Rock-N-Roll

One thing about living overseas that is going to take some getting used to – radio entertainment. 

There are probably eight or nine radio stations – some play Mandarin Chinese, others sound Malaysian.  So that leaves five stations for me to choose from

After a month of “trying” to get used to skimming through Diana Ross, the Bee Gees, and some form of rap, I finally got tired and gave up.

But an hour drive?  The silence is good at 530 in the morning – lets me find a calm spot and get ready for the day.  But after a fast paced day, I want some fast paced music!

However, there is no CD player! 

That’s when I noticed the international symbol for USB drive.  So now, I have Bob Seeger, John Cougar, and Green Day.  Talk about a crazy combination!

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