Wednesday, June 15, 2011


It has been a crazy first part of the week. My youngest had an allergic reaction Saturday. This week we have been in the er and at doctors.

On a different note, I have been reminded by everyone on Facebook (well, almost) that we should remember all our dads did for us. I have to brag that I have one of the most awesome dads ever! I am so blessed to have a strong Christian father.

My dad has been there for me through everything! He has helped me with projects around the house, given advice, and kept my children...even changed his share of diapers! A lot of people don't believe me when I say that my father kept my children a lot when they were babies. He did! He and my mom have been a lifesaver for me! :)

Then I am also remembering my father-in-law. He loved me and my boys with all he had. His whole life changed when those boys entered the world. Never a shopper, you would often see him in the toy section or children's clothing sections of a store. He spent countless hours outside watching my boys ride bikes and scooters.

But, I think I appreciate him most for being the dad he was to my husband. My husband would not be the dad he is today without him. I just love this picture of him here.

My husband and I have been so blessed with wonderful fathers. I just wish M's dad was here to celebrate with us.

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