Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

We stayed at the house today. I cleaned out the boys' room. I even got the car toddler bed out for M.

My husband and j went geocaching today. It has been awhile since they were able to go. Then, we were able to swim. Yay!

I am trying to tackle the "spring" cleaning I missed out on while in Texas. Hope I can make some head-way this week.

I also have been reminded that so many have paid the ultimate sacrifice for my freedom. I am so proud to say that my dad, father-in-law and husband are vets. I have lost former youth and students in the past few years in battle.

I am also reflecting on the ultimate price my Father gave up for me. He gave up His only Son to die for my sin. He paid the ultimate price to free me from my bondage in sin.

Thank you, Lord, for all You have done for me. You have blessed me beyond measure!

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